Welcome to the nostalgic history of home and game computers
GameOn: exhibition on history of
video games
Now in The Tech, San Jose (CA)

is a marvelous, touring exhibition on the history of video games. Until August 15th, GameOn
could be visited in Lille, France. From March till September 2005, the
exposition could be visited in the Museum of
Science of Industry in Chicago. At the moment, till January 2006, GameOn is part of the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose
GameOn earlier made stops in
museums in London, Edinburgh, Tilburg (the Netherlands) and Helsinki.
As far as I know GameOn is the first exhibition of this size in
Europe on the history of videogames. I visited GameOn in the Netherlands on one
of the first days in the beginning of the hot summer of 2003 here in Europe. In spite of
the sustaining high temperatures and even heat waves this summer, GameOn drew
some 20,000 game fanatics, young and old, men and women.
With several top pieces from the history of video games, GameOn presents a
fairly complete time line. One can even admire and touch the PDP-I from the
sixties: the huge computer on which the very first computer game, Space War, was
developed. Unfortunately this colossus doesn't functions, and that's also the case
with the arcade version of Atari Pong and the Barbarella-like, futuristic
Computer Space from Nolan Bushnell, the later founder of Atari. But the rest of
the hundreds of arcade machines, home computers and game consoles function. GameOn
invites to play with them - this is what you can call a really 'touchable'
Stormy development
Watching all these consoles and games on GameOn, one realizes how fast the video
game industry has developed. After the PDP-1, which was only accessible to a few
lucky people on universities, GameOn shows the slow start of the consumer
consoles in the seventies, with the Magnavox Odyssey, Atari's Pong and later in
the seventies the tremendous popular Atari VCS 2600. And let's not forget the
beautiful table tops GameOn has collected.
But it's not all history on GameOn: there's also much attention for the newer
and newest consoles, like the GameCube and the X-Box.
Playing with trains
GameOn also pays much attention to regional differences in
the gaming culture. For instance there's - of course - a huge section about
Japanese games. One of the most amazing things is a case with handles to drive a train. That seems to be a real hit in Japan:
driving a train for
hours. Do some catastrophes happen then, like collapsing bridges? No, just
sitting in the cabin and watch - that's seems to be enough.
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